How Precise Is Histologic Dating Of Endometrium Using The Standard Dating Criteria?

PID is typically diagnosed clinically, based on the presence of history, physical exam findings, and the presence of risk factors. A pregnancy test should always be ordered to rule out ectopic pregnancy. Imaging is rarely helpful unless an alternative diagnosis such as retained products of conception or septic pelvic thrombophlebitis is suspected.

How we reviewed this article:

Thus, the aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to more precisely estimate the effect of diabetes on the risk of endometrial cancer incidence. An understanding of the aberrant mechanisms underlying these conditions could advance the treatment of infertility, ultimately preventing early pregnancy loss and improve pregnancy outcome. In the present study, therefore we aimed to provide a detailed insight into the nature of the biological malfunction and related pathways of DEGs in RIF and REPL as compared to the control group. Further knowledge and investigations on the molecular mechanisms coordinating conditions such as RIF and REPL are needed to elaborate more explicit guidelines and recommendations for clinicians using ARTs while confronting these conditions.

Personal frozen embryo transfer/conventional frozen embryo transfer protocol

The ER Map was evaluated in a non-RIF population and resulted in 302 clinical pregnancies out of 681 patients employing pET (44.35% pregnancy rate), which is significantly higher compared to 15 out of 65 clinical pregnancies when the ET was performed outside the WOI. However, the ER Map has not been evaluated in comparison to the standard ET protocol . The ER Peak was evaluated in a retrospective study analyzing the clinical pregnancy and live birth rates of 550 RIF patients. The study reported that 92 out of 244 patients undergoing pET presented with a clinical pregnancy compared to 59 out of 306 patients undergoing a standard ET protocol. Similarly, live birth rates were significantly higher following pET (29.9% vs. 9.5%). Despite the promising results, both tests lack robustness considering the lack of RCTs and prospective studies to validate their effectiveness.

UF prevalence is a personal and economic burden, within an estimated healthcare cost of United States $34 billion annually in the United States (Cardozo et al., 2012). The cases we presented further illustrated that our histological endometrial dating results reflected good reproducibility and verifiability in the same patients, even with a more than the 2-year duration. Histological examination exhibited several other strengths such as simple methodology, low cost, and short reporting periods; and was thus worthy of clinical promotion and application. However, there were some limitations to the present study. Restricted by subjects, we could not design this study as a randomized controlled trial; the results thus still need to be treated with caution. Intriguingly, our data revealed that the WOI for approximately 70% of the RIF patients was not displaced; therefore, the mechanisms underlying implantation failure in this population require further exploration.

Kitaya, K., and Yasuo, T. Aberrant expression of selectin E, CXCL1, and CXCL13 in chronic endometritis. Modern Pathol. 23, 1136–1146.

Clinical treatment of the patients

The ribosome and oxidative phosphorylation pathways are significantly downregulated in RIF and REPL. These findings give us an insight to the pathways involved in two different states of reproductive disorder and may thus aid in future diagnostic and therapeutic intervention in preventing recurrent failure in reproductive function. The organizers realized that the histology of PRM-exposed endometria had presented interpretive difficulties to pathologists, particularly because some of the findings were imperfect matches for established diagnostic entities. A specially convened panel of experienced pathologists was assembled prior to the meeting and provided with a set of endometrial biopsy specimens from women taking PRMs as part of completed or ongoing clinical trials.

For patients with acute endometritis/PID, the differential diagnosis includes ectopic pregnancy, hemorrhagic or ruptured ovarian cyst, ovarian torsion, endometriosis, acute cystitis, and GI causes (e.g., appendicitis, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome). Work-up should include testing for STIs and BV. Postpartum endometritis typically presents with fever, uterine tenderness, and lower abdominal pain, which is typically significant. Additionally, lochia may be purulent, foul-smelling, and heavier than usual due to subinvolution of the uterus .

Concise reporting of benign endometrial biopsies is an acceptable Alternative to descriptive reporting

In that condition, a protracted estrogenic interval progressively increases the density and size of intermittent cysts, which are lined by proliferative epithelium. What offsets the PRM-exposed endometria from these manifestations of an abnormal menstrual cycle is the complete lack of breakdown and fibrin thrombi, and the appearance of estrogen and progestational changes at one point in time rather than in sequence. Our impression was that the physiological separation between estrogen- and progesterone-induced changes, in which progesterone downregulation of estrogen receptors prevents co-stimulation of both pathways, was perturbed in the PRM-exposed patients. In the normal menstrual cycle, the follicular phase is dominated by the effects of estrogen, a hormone known to increase mitotic activity. Beginning at the time of ovulation, and extending through the later, luteal, phase, progesterone elaborated by the corpus luteum overrides the effects of estrogen to suppress glandular mitoses and induce secretory change and stromal pre-decidualization.

Based on subgroup analysis, the risk of endometrial cancer in case-control studies was higher than in cohort studies, and a higher risk was observed in hospital-based studies compared to population-based studies. The majority of previous studies on RIF and DEGs utilized endometrial biopsy as the sample for analysis while, in the study of REPL, variations in the sample selection were observed . The development of the placenta is crucial for the maintenance of pregnancy .

According to the test, 13 out of 20 samples were classified in the receptive phase , 2 samples in the early receptive phase, 5 samples in the late receptive phase and zero samples in the pre- or postreceptive phases. Lyons, E. A., Taylor, P. J., Zheng, X. H., Ballard, G., Levi, C. S., and Kredentser, J. V. . Characterization of subendometrial myometrial contractions throughout the menstrual cycle in normal fertile women. 55, 771–774.